
If your child is affected by cyberbullying, there are lots of places to go for more help and advice. See our list of useful resources for further support. You can also download our cyberbullying guides for more expert advice.

What’s on the page

Useful resources

Help for parents

If you would like to get help with a cyberbullying issue by speaking to someone, there are a number of telephone helplines where you can speak with a trained advisor.

Advice on parental controls and social networks

Report child sexual images to IWF

For parents concerned about a child being bullied

For adults worried about child mental health

Bullying parenting advice

Help for kids

It may be helpful for your child to talk through their worries with a trained counsellor from organisations that have experience dealing with cyberbullying issues. There are a number of free services that can be accessed by phone, email and online chat.

For any worries a child may have

Online qualified counsellors for children

Support service for young people under 25

Confidential advice for suicidal feelings

24 hour helpline for those struggling to cope

Online message boards for those aged 12-25

Anti-bullying organisations

Across the UK, there are a number of charities and organisations that are experts in bullying and provide a great range of information, advice and help for parents and children on their websites. Some specialise in particular issues.

The UK alliance of bullying charities

Advice on anti-bullying

Resources for parents and children

Resources particularly for children

Cybersmile advice with online forum

Scotland’s largest anti-bullying organisation

Provides skills to tackle bullying and abuse

Dedicated cyberbullying section

Social media

Cyberbullying will typically involve social media. You can find information here about social network sites and apps, and the safety advice offered by each of the main social media providers for children and parents.

Facebook bullying prevention resources

Safety on Twitter

Instagram tips for parents

YouTube policies and safety

Snapchat support

Online gaming

Cyberbullying can sometimes happen on gaming platforms, and these sites offer specific advice for dealing with bullying issues associated with gaming.

Ditch the Label’s advice to safe online gaming

Cybersmile advice to safe online gaming

Vulnerable children (SEND/LGBTQ)

Bullying is often suffered by children that have Special Education Needs and Disabilities or children either unsure about their sexuality or identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.

Help for parents with children with SEND

Tackling LGBT abuse online in partnership with Stonewall and Facebook

Supporting children with disabilities

Advice on homophobic bullying

Preventing LGBTQ cyberbullying guide for parents and educators

Dealing with schools

Schools are often the first place that parents will go to talk about a cyberbullying incident. A number of organisations offer advice on how best to talk to schools and what response and action you can expect.

Contacting your child’s school about bullying

Practical tips for reporting & dealing with bullying

Government advice to complain about a school

Cyberbullying and the Law

Thankfully, most cases of cyberbullying can be resolved without the need to involve the Police. However, if you find that this is a course of action you wish to take, the following may be helpful.

Information about bullying and the law

Bullying and the law from Cybersmile

Support & Counselling Service

Should your child need extra support, counselling or mentoring to cope with a bullying issue then these organisations may be able to provide advice and services.

Counselling services for children

Counselling services for children

For children who self-exclude from school

A nationwide counselling directory service

How to talk about mental health with your GP

Guide to get the right mental health support

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