Fake news

Helping children develop digital literacy and critical thinking is key to helping them make informed choices online about what they watch, share and take form the online world. See a range of resources, articles and guides to help you get up to speed on what fake news is and help your child spot it and deal with it.

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What are algorithms? How to prevent echo chambers and keep children safe online
Algorithms are an important part of social media feeds, but they can create echo chambers. These echo chambers lead to ...
Cake Stories, #StoryTime and other misleading content
Many children and young people love watching baking, video gaming and beauty videos. However, cake stories or videos marked with ...
Improving literacy in the age of technology
Improving literacy in children can make them more media literate and able to think critically about the news they see ...

Recommended Expert Q&A

Expert Q&A
Thinking critically about news on social media
Expert Q&A
Helping children with SEND manage and understand misinformation
Expert Q&A
How can you help your child think critically about what they see online?

Recommended Parent stories

Parent stories
Mum shares the impact fake news had on her son
Mum Ann shares her family’s personal experience of fake news to help other parents consider their children's digital literacy skills.